Monday, November 17, 2014

Another piece of the house to build

I woke up this morning excited cuz I knew this would be the last time I´d ever have to stress out about transfers. I really don´t like transfers. Especially this one. *sigh* I´m leaving Farroupilha and I`m sad to spend my last four weeks with people I don´t know, in an area I don´t know, with members I don´t know... no one to send me home... Que Maldade.

BUT. Tis this mission life I live and I guess I better have a good attitude about this or the end of my mission is just gonna be sad. And I don´t want it to be sad. I have had SUCH an amazing six weeks with Sister Ribeiro and... I´m so sad to leave her too, but I´m grateful I got to be with her here and that I got the time I did. We´ve been through a lot together, and I truely needed her during this time in my mission. In my life. Farroupilha has been a home away from home and, though I´m so sad to leave, I´m comforted recognizing that 1) I´ll be back here in just a few weeks and 2)... it´s all in the hands of the Lord right? Maybe it´d be too easy to stay.

This last week here has been incredible. Last monday we had FHE with an awesome family here. We taught her to make brownies and she taught us to make Pasteis. MMMM... so good! I ate 7. 

Learning to make bread with Irmã Lourdes

Pasteis with Rudineia

THEN I hit my one year mark in Brazil and Nice, Bishop, Jen and Tiago took us all out for pizza!!!! It´s Rodízio pizza which means it´s all you can eat and pretty much delicious. I ate 16 slices. And I´m pretty sure I gained like 3 kilos just this week. haha woops. It was an awesome way to celebrate the survival of an entire year here in Brazil! haha

Sister Amorim made me a cool 1 year poster

I did her hair.
Friday, we got permission to go with Amanda to pick out her wedding dress in Caxias and we spent the day preparing everything with her. It was SO much fun. I just love her so much. Saturday was the big day and Oh I cried like a little baby. I just love that little family and I am so so grateful I got to be here for their wedding. I´m so grateful the Lord let me stay at least a little longer here so I could see this part of their story. I got to do her hair, Sister Amorim did her makeup and it was a beautiful, beautiful day. That night, Rodrigo received the Melchezidek (I still can´t spell that) priesthood and was sustained in Sunday´s Stake Conference. :) 
This is a double intertwined french braid and Yes, I´m a pro.
The happy couple

The happy family!!

What a week. :) I feel so blessed to have gotten to stay three transfers here in Farroupilha. Though I´m sad to be leaving now, I am just glad I got this third transfer here. This has been one of the best transfers of my mission and OH I wish this transfer didn´t have to end! haha but... I need to start getting excited for what lies ahead. All the new people I`ll meet, the new friends I`ll make and ... well... who knows. I sure don´t. But Jen sent me a good CS Lewis quote this week that I´d like to share with you all. It describes pretty well how I feel sometimes as a missionary. Like just when we feel like our house is built and thriving, He sets fire to it and makes us rebuild, higher, stronger, and better. That came out a little more pyro-maniac than I wanted it to, but you get my point: 

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” 

So - off I go again. Another adventure, another piece of the house to build. I love you all and I thank you for your support and prayers. I hope you are all happy healthy and strong and ... I´ll keep you posted. :) 



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